Funny Happy Birthday Wishes – Looking for funny birthday wishes, quotes, jokes and images to put a smile on someone’s face on their birthday? Birthdays are special to all of us. If anyone forgets to wish you on your day, chances are high that you will never forget that they didn’t. So don’t be late be first wish your friend and family and make their birthday too special and memorable.
Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.
Happy birthday, my dear husband You’re funny, sweet, simply the best You make me laugh and smile You’re better than all the rest!
I believe you forgot my birthday present last year, so now I’m returning the favor.
Hope you will not get sad over the number of candles on your cake. Many happy returns of the day, my love.

I’m wishing a very happy birthday to you today, bro! I’ve spent so many years laughing at you and I’m sure that I’ll spend many more laughing with you! I’m so lucky to have a funny younger brother like you!
A wise man once said, “Forget about your past, you cannot change it”. I’d like to add: “Forget about your present, I didn’t get you one”.
You are just as annoying as you were on day one. Stay the same and have a happy birthday!
On your birthday don’t forget to set goals that are sky high and spend the rest of the year miserably trying to build a rocket to get there.
No other brother Is as funny as you Unless you count me Which I guess I do!
Happy Birthday to a [Mom/Dad] who’s smart and funny and good-looking, from a [daughter/son] who inherited all your best qualities.
Happy birthday, love. I thought of getting you the best present ever. Sadly, I’m too big to fit in the gift box.
You’re a really hard individual to shop for… so I didn’t get you anything. Happy birthday!

I’m wishing you the Best and happiest Birthday possible, bro!
It’s OK to light the candles on your birthday cake now; I’ve already alerted the fire department.
You have officially gotten past the teenage years. It’s time to be mature and stop expecting birthday gifts from people. Happy Birthday!
Every day spent with you is full of laughter, smiles, and joy! You make me happier than I ever could’ve imagined!
You know, they say that age is really all in the mind. The key is to prevent it from trickling down into your body.
Happy birthday, don’t be sad. At least you are not as old as you are going to be the next year. Be happy thinking about that!

Right, let’s get you so drunk that you end up believing it’s my birthday and buying me drinks all night
Little bro, if I can give you any advice as your wise elder sibling it would simply be to live in the moment and enjoy each day of your youth.
You’re how old?! Better take that cake outdoors to light the candles! Have a very happy birthday.
You have been here for a long time, perhaps since the age of the cave people. No wonder why you are so backdated.
Happy birthday! Can you believe we used to think people our age were adults and had their life in order?